Natalie Morales Movies and TV Shows

No Hard Feelings

Natalie Morales is a talented actress known for her versatility and ability to bring depth to her characters. In the movie “No Hard Feelings,” Morales shines in her role, showcasing her ability to convey complex emotions and capture the audience’s attention. The film explores themes of love, identity, and family, and Morales’s performance adds a layer of authenticity that resonates with viewers. Her portrayal of the character is nuanced and compelling, drawing the audience into the story and making a lasting impression.

In “No Hard Feelings,” Morales’s character undergoes a journey of self-discovery, grappling with her past and striving to find her place in the world. Morales’s performance is captivating, as she skillfully navigates the character’s emotional highs and lows, bringing a sense of realism to the role. Her on-screen presence is magnetic, and she effortlessly commands the audience’s attention with her powerful performance. Morales’s portrayal in “No Hard Feelings” solidifies her status as a standout talent in the film industry, showcasing her ability to breathe life into complex and multifaceted characters.

Morales’s performance in “No Hard Feelings” is a testament to her skill as an actress, demonstrating her ability to imbue her characters with depth and authenticity. Her portrayal resonates with audiences, leaving a lasting impact and cementing her reputation as a formidable talent in the entertainment industry. With her captivating performance in “No Hard Feelings,” Morales continues to prove that she is a force to be reckoned with, capable of delivering memorable and compelling performances that captivate and resonate with audiences.

Dead to Me

In the hit TV series “Dead to Me,” Natalie Morales delivers a standout performance that showcases her range as an actress. Portraying a complex and enigmatic character, Morales captivates audiences with her compelling portrayal, infusing the role with depth and authenticity. Her on-screen chemistry with the other cast members elevates the show, drawing viewers in and keeping them invested in the story. Morales’s performance in “Dead to Me” demonstrates her ability to inhabit multifaceted characters and bring them to life with nuance and emotion.

As the character in “Dead to Me,” Morales navigates a web of secrets, lies, and intrigue, delivering a performance that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Her portrayal is layered and multifaceted, allowing the character to evolve and reveal new dimensions as the story unfolds. Morales’s ability to convey the character’s internal struggles and external conflicts adds depth to the show, making her performance a standout aspect of the series. Her presence on screen is magnetic, drawing audiences in and leaving a lasting impression.

“Dead to Me” serves as a showcase for Morales’s talent, allowing her to shine in a role that highlights her versatility and skill as an actress. Her performance in the series solidifies her status as a captivating and compelling talent in the entertainment industry, garnering praise from audiences and critics alike. Morales’s portrayal in “Dead to Me” cements her reputation as a standout performer, showcasing her ability to command the screen and deliver a memorable and impactful performance that captivates viewers.

The Little Things

Natalie Morales’s appearance in the movie “The Little Things” demonstrates her ability to make a significant impact in a supporting role. While not the central focus of the film, Morales’s presence adds depth and intrigue to the story, showcasing her ability to leave a lasting impression with her performance. Her portrayal of the character is captivating, as she brings nuance and authenticity to her role, elevating the overall narrative and drawing the audience’s attention with her on-screen presence.

In “The Little Things,” Morales’s character serves as a compelling and integral part of the story, contributing to the film’s atmosphere and adding depth to the overall narrative. Her performance resonates with the audience, as she skillfully navigates the character’s complexities and delivers a memorable portrayal that leaves a lasting impact. Morales’s ability to infuse her character with depth and emotion showcases her skill as an actress, demonstrating her capacity to make a substantial impression in a supporting role.

Morales’s appearance in “The Little Things” serves as a testament to her talent and versatility as an actress, showcasing her ability to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression with her performance. While her role may be smaller in scale, Morales’s presence elevates the film and adds a layer of depth to the narrative, solidifying her status as a standout talent in the entertainment industry. Her performance in “The Little Things” highlights her ability to make a significant impact on screen, showcasing her capacity to deliver compelling and memorable portrayals that resonate with audiences.

Language Lessons

Natalie Morales’s role in “Language Lessons” showcases her ability to excel in a unique and compelling cinematic format. The film’s unconventional storytelling approach allows Morales to shine, demonstrating her versatility and skill as an actress. Her performance in “Language Lessons” is captivating, as she navigates the complexities of the character and brings authenticity and emotion to her portrayal. Morales’s ability to connect with the audience and convey the character’s journey in a relatable and compelling manner solidifies her status as a standout talent in the entertainment industry.

In “Language Lessons,” Morales’s character undergoes a transformative and emotionally charged journey, and her performance resonates with audiences, drawing them into the story. Morales’s ability to convey the character’s inner turmoil and growth adds depth to the film, making her portrayal a standout aspect of the narrative. Her on-screen chemistry with her co-star further enhances the film, creating a dynamic and engaging cinematic experience that captivates and resonates with viewers. Morales’s performance in “Language Lessons” serves as a testament to her skill as an actress, showcasing her ability to excel in diverse and challenging roles.

Morales’s appearance in “Language Lessons” highlights her ability to thrive in a narrative that relies heavily on the strength of the performances. Her portrayal of the character adds emotional weight and depth to the film, showcasing her capacity to deliver nuanced and compelling performances that resonate with audiences. Morales’s ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level and bring authenticity to her portrayal solidifies her status as a captivating and impactful talent in the entertainment industry. Her performance in “Language Lessons” further cements her reputation as a versatile and formidable actress, capable of delivering compelling and memorable portrayals that leave a lasting impression.

Plan B 2021

In the film “Plan B,” Natalie Morales delivers a compelling and authentic performance that showcases her ability to embody complex and relatable characters. Morales’s portrayal in the movie is captivating, as she navigates the character’s journey with authenticity and emotion, drawing the audience into the story. Her on-screen presence is magnetic, and her chemistry with her co-stars enhances the overall narrative, creating a dynamic and engaging cinematic experience for viewers. Morales’s performance in “Plan B” highlights her versatility and skill as an actress, solidifying her status as a standout talent in the film industry.

“Plan B” serves as a platform for Morales to showcase her ability to deliver memorable and impactful performances that resonate with audiences. Her portrayal of the character is imbued with depth and nuance, allowing the audience to connect with the emotional core of the story. Morales’s ability to convey the character’s struggles and triumphs adds a layer of authenticity to the film, making her performance a standout aspect of the narrative. Her on-screen chemistry and captivating presence further elevate the movie, drawing viewers in and leaving a lasting impression.

Morales’s appearance in “Plan B” further cements her reputation as a formidable talent in the entertainment industry, showcasing her ability to excel in roles that demand emotional depth and authenticity. Her performance in the film highlights her capacity to connect with audiences on a profound level, delivering portrayals that resonate and leave a lasting impact. Morales’s ability to bring complexity and relatability to her characters solidifies her status as a captivating and compelling actress, showcasing her skill in delivering performances that captivate and resonate with viewers.


Natalie Morales’s appearance in the action-comedy film “Stuber” demonstrates her ability to excel in diverse and entertaining cinematic genres. In the movie, Morales delivers a standout performance that adds humor, depth, and energy to the narrative, showcasing her versatility and skill as an actress. Her portrayal of the character is engaging, as she infuses the role with wit, charm, and authenticity, drawing the audience into the comedic and action-packed world of the film. Morales’s on-screen chemistry with her co-stars further enhances the movie, creating a dynamic and entertaining cinematic experience for viewers.

In “Stuber,” Morales’s character serves as a compelling and integral part of the story, contributing to the film’s humor and heart with her captivating performance. Her ability to navigate the comedic and action-oriented elements of the movie adds depth and excitement to the narrative, making her portrayal a standout aspect of the film. Morales’s on-screen presence and ability to command the audience’s attention further solidify her status as a captivating and compelling talent in the entertainment industry. Her performance in “Stuber” highlights her capacity to excel in entertaining and engaging cinematic experiences, showcasing her ability to deliver memorable and impactful portrayals that resonate with audiences.

Morales’s appearance in “Stuber” serves as a testament to her skill as an actress, demonstrating her ability to thrive in comedic and action-oriented roles. Her performance adds a layer of humor and heart to the film, showcasing her ability to connect with audiences and deliver compelling and memorable portrayals that leave a lasting impression. Morales’s ability to infuse her characters with wit, charm, and authenticity solidifies her status as a captivating and versatile actress, showcasing her skill in delivering performances that captivate and resonate with viewers.

Santa Clarita Diet

Natalie Morales’s appearance in the TV series “Santa Clarita Diet” demonstrates her ability to excel in a unique and unconventional narrative. In the show, Morales delivers a compelling performance that adds depth and intrigue to the story, showcasing her ability to leave a lasting impression with her portrayal. Her on-screen presence is magnetic, drawing audiences in and keeping them invested in the supernatural and comedic world of the series. Morales’s ability to navigate the complexities of the character and deliver a memorable performance solidifies her status as a standout talent in the television industry.

In “Santa Clarita Diet,” Morales’s character serves as a dynamic and integral part of the story, contributing to the show’s humor and heart with her captivating performance. Her ability to convey the character’s struggles and triumphs adds depth to the series, making her portrayal a standout aspect of the narrative. Morales’s on-screen chemistry with her co-stars further enhances the show, creating a dynamic and engaging television experience that captivates and resonates with viewers. Her performance in “Santa Clarita Diet” highlights her versatility and skill as an actress, showcasing her ability to thrive in unconventional and entertaining storytelling formats.

Morales’s appearance in “Santa Clarita Diet” showcases her ability to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression with her performance. Her portrayal of the character adds emotional weight and depth to the series, showcasing her capacity to deliver nuanced and compelling performances that resonate with viewers. Morales’s ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level and bring authenticity to her portrayal solidifies her status as a captivating and impactful talent in the television industry. Her performance in “Santa Clarita Diet” further cements her reputation as a versatile and formidable actress, capable of delivering compelling and memorable portrayals that captivate and resonate with audiences.

White Collar (TV series)

In the popular TV series “White Collar,” Natalie Morales delivers a standout performance that showcases her ability to excel in a compelling and dynamic narrative. Portraying a multifaceted and enigmatic character, Morales captivates audiences with her compelling portrayal, infusing the role with depth and authenticity. Her on-screen chemistry with the other cast members enhances the show, drawing viewers in and keeping them invested in the story. Morales’s performance in “White Collar” demonstrates her ability to inhabit complex characters and bring them to life with nuance and emotion.

As the character in “White Collar,” Morales navigates a world of intrigue, mystery, and suspense, delivering a performance that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Her portrayal is layered and multifaceted, allowing the character to evolve and reveal new dimensions as the story unfolds. Morales’s ability to convey the character’s internal struggles and external conflicts adds depth to the show, making her performance a standout aspect of the series. Her presence on screen is magnetic, drawing audiences in and leaving a lasting impression.

“White Collar” serves as a showcase for Morales’s talent, allowing her to shine in a role that highlights her versatility and skill as an actress. Her performance in the series solidifies her status as a captivating and compelling talent in the television industry, garnering praise from audiences and critics alike. Morales’s portrayal in “White Collar” cements her reputation as a standout performer, showcasing her ability to command the screen and deliver a memorable and impactful performance that captivates viewers.

I’m Totally Fine 2022

In the upcoming film “I’m Totally Fine 2022,” Natalie Morales is set to deliver a compelling and authentic performance that will further showcase her ability to embody complex and relatable characters. As the release of the movie approaches, Morales’s involvement has generated significant anticipation and excitement among fans and industry insiders alike. Her portrayal in “I’m Totally Fine 2022” is expected to be engaging and emotionally resonant, drawing the audience into the story with her nuanced and authentic portrayal.

“I’m Totally Fine 2022” is poised to serve as a platform for Morales to showcase her ability to deliver memorable and impactful performances that resonate with audiences. Her upcoming portrayal in the film is anticipated to be imbued with depth and nuance, allowing the audience to connect with the emotional core of the story. Morales’s ability to convey the character’s struggles and triumphs is expected to add a layer of authenticity to the movie, making her performance a standout aspect of the narrative. Her on-screen chemistry and captivating presence are anticipated to further elevate the film, drawing viewers in and leaving a lasting impression.

Parks and Recreation

One of Natalie Morales’ standout roles came in the beloved TV series “Parks and Recreation.” Portraying the character Lucy, Morales brought a fresh and endearing energy to the show, earning the admiration of both fans and critics. Her portrayal of Lucy, a love interest for the character Tom Haverford, showcased her comedic timing and charm. Morales seamlessly integrated into the ensemble cast, leaving a lasting impression with her wit and charisma. Her contribution to “Parks and Recreation” added a new dynamic to the show, and her character quickly became a fan favorite.

Morales’ performance in “Parks and Recreation” demonstrated her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters, earning her recognition for her engaging and relatable portrayal. Her chemistry with the cast members and her ability to elevate the comedic moments of the show solidified her as a standout performer in the series. Through her role in “Parks and Recreation,” Morales solidified her status as a talented actress capable of leaving a lasting impact on audiences.


In the TV series “Abby’s,” Natalie Morales took on the lead role, further showcasing her range as an actress. As the titular character Abby, Morales exuded confidence and charisma, capturing the hearts of viewers with her magnetic on-screen presence. The show provided Morales with the opportunity to display her comedic prowess and her ability to carry a series with her compelling performance. Her portrayal of Abby demonstrated her versatility as an actress, as she effortlessly balanced humor with moments of sincerity and depth.

“Abby’s” served as a platform for Morales to shine in a leading role, and her portrayal of the charismatic and lively Abby resonated with audiences. Her ability to anchor the series and infuse her character with authenticity further solidified her position as a captivating actress. Morales’ nuanced performance in “Abby’s” highlighted her talent and cemented her status as a versatile and engaging leading lady in the world of television.

Trophy Wife (TV series)

Natalie Morales’ contributions to the TV series “Trophy Wife” further exemplify her ability to inhabit diverse and compelling characters. In the show, Morales portrayed Meg, a character who brought a refreshing and dynamic energy to the series. Her portrayal of Meg showcased her ability to infuse her characters with depth, humor, and relatability, garnering praise from both viewers and critics. Morales’ performance in “Trophy Wife” added a new layer of complexity to the show, as she effortlessly navigated the intricacies of her character.

Through her role as Meg, Morales once again demonstrated her knack for creating memorable and multi-dimensional characters, leaving a lasting impression with her captivating performance. Her chemistry with the cast and her ability to bring authenticity to her character contributed to the show’s success, further solidifying Morales’ reputation as a talented and versatile actress in the realm of television.

If You Were the Last

Natalie Morales’ foray into film includes her role in the movie “If You Were the Last.” In this romantic comedy, Morales showcased her acting prowess in a different medium, further expanding her repertoire as a performer. Her portrayal of the character Natasha allowed her to display her range and emotional depth, captivating audiences with her compelling performance. Morales’ ability to convey sincerity and charm on the big screen solidified her status as a skilled actress capable of making a seamless transition between television and film.

In “If You Were the Last,” Morales’ magnetic presence and engaging portrayal of Natasha contributed to the film’s appeal, earning her accolades for her captivating performance. Her ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level and her natural on-screen charisma showcased her versatility as an actress, leaving a lasting impression in the world of cinema.

The Middleman

Another notable entry in Natalie Morales’ impressive body of work is her role in the TV series “The Middleman.” As Wendy Watson, Morales brought a blend of intelligence, wit, and strength to her character, captivating audiences with her compelling portrayal. Her ability to embody the complexities of Wendy showcased her range as an actress, earning her acclaim for her engaging and dynamic performance. Morales’ portrayal of Wendy added a new dimension to the series, as she effortlessly balanced humor with moments of emotional depth.

Through her role in “The Middleman,” Morales demonstrated her ability to bring authenticity and relatability to her characters, solidifying her position as a standout performer in the world of television. Her chemistry with the cast and her ability to infuse her character with depth and wit further underscored her talent as an actress, leaving a lasting impact on the series and its audience.

Battle of the Sexes

Natalie Morales’ notable contributions to the film “Battle of the Sexes” showcased her ability to excel in a supporting role alongside an ensemble cast. In the film, Morales portrayed the character Rosie Casals, a professional tennis player who played a pivotal role in the historic tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. Her portrayal of Rosie demonstrated her ability to bring authenticity and gravitas to her character, adding an important layer to the film’s narrative.

Morales’ performance in “Battle of the Sexes” highlighted her skill at portraying real-life figures with depth and sincerity, earning her recognition for her compelling portrayal. Her ability to inhabit the character of Rosie with grace and strength contributed to the film’s impact, further solidifying Morales’ reputation as a talented and versatile actress in the realm of cinema.

The Grinder

In the TV series “The Grinder,” Natalie Morales’ portrayal of Claire showcased her ability to infuse her characters with intelligence, humor, and charm. As a pivotal character in the series, Morales brought a fresh and dynamic energy to the show, captivating audiences with her engaging performance. Her chemistry with the cast and her ability to navigate the complexities of her character solidified her as a standout performer in the series, earning her praise for her nuanced portrayal.

Through her role in “The Grinder,” Morales once again demonstrated her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters, leaving a lasting impression with her captivating performance. Her contribution to the series added a new layer of complexity, showcasing her talent as an actress capable of making a memorable impact in the world of television.

Rugrats (2021)

Natalie Morales’ involvement in the revival of the beloved animated series “Rugrats” further highlights her versatility as an actress, as she lent her voice to the character of Betty DeVille. Morales’ portrayal of Betty showcased her ability to bring warmth, humor, and authenticity to her animated character, captivating both new audiences and nostalgic fans of the original series. Her vocal performance added a new dimension to the character of Betty, contributing to the revival’s success and resonating with viewers of all ages.

Through her role in “Rugrats,” Morales once again showcased her ability to make a lasting impact in the realm of animation, highlighting her talent as a versatile and engaging performer. Her contribution to the revival solidified her status as a skilled voice actress, further expanding her diverse body of work and leaving a lasting impression in the world of animated television.

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