David Thewlis Movies and TV Shows

As a seasoned actor with a diverse range of roles, David Thewlis has graced both the big and small screens with his captivating performances. From his breakout role in Naked to his recent appearance in Enola Holmes 2, Thewlis has consistently delivered memorable characters that have left a lasting impression on audiences worldwide. In this article, we’ll delve into the various movies and TV shows that have showcased Thewlis’s talent, exploring the depth and diversity of his career.

Naked (1993)

One of David Thewlis’s early breakthrough roles came in the form of the gritty and raw film Naked. Directed by Mike Leigh, the movie follows the journey of Johnny, a complex and troubled individual who navigates the harsh realities of life in London. Thewlis’s portrayal of Johnny was nothing short of mesmerizing, earning him critical acclaim and putting him on the map as a formidable talent in the industry. His ability to embody the complexities of his character with such raw authenticity was a testament to his acting prowess, setting the stage for a stellar career ahead.

Thewlis’s performance in Naked showcased his willingness to delve into challenging and thought-provoking roles, solidifying his reputation as an actor unafraid to push boundaries and explore the depths of human emotion. The film’s unflinching portrayal of urban life and Thewlis’s compelling presence on screen made Naked a standout moment in his filmography, leaving a profound impact on both critics and audiences alike.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Stepping into the magical world of Harry Potter, David Thewlis took on the role of Professor Remus Lupin in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. As a beloved character in J.K. Rowling’s iconic series, Lupin was a pivotal figure in Harry Potter’s journey, and Thewlis’s portrayal brought a depth and warmth to the character that resonated with fans. His ability to infuse Lupin with a sense of wisdom, compassion, and inner turmoil added a layer of complexity to the role, elevating the character to new heights on the big screen.

Thewlis’s involvement in the Harry Potter franchise introduced him to a global audience, allowing him to showcase his versatility as an actor in a blockbuster setting. His portrayal of Lupin not only endeared him to a new generation of fans but also cemented his place in the rich tapestry of the wizarding world, leaving an indelible mark on the beloved film series.

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

In the poignant and powerful film The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, David Thewlis delivered a stirring performance that captured the heart-wrenching realities of World War II. Playing the role of the father, Thewlis brought a compelling blend of vulnerability and intensity to his character, navigating the delicate balance between duty and morality in a time of great turmoil. His portrayal resonated with audiences, providing a poignant perspective on the human cost of war and the enduring bonds of compassion and innocence.

Thewlis’s involvement in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas showcased his ability to inhabit emotionally charged narratives with grace and nuance, further establishing him as an actor capable of evoking profound empathy and understanding through his craft. The film’s exploration of friendship, empathy, and the devastating impact of war, coupled with Thewlis’s poignant performance, left an indelible imprint on the hearts of viewers, reaffirming his status as a masterful storyteller.

Total Eclipse (Film)

Venturing into the realm of historical drama, David Thewlis took on the role of Paul Verlaine in Total Eclipse, a film that delved into the tumultuous relationship between the renowned poets Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud. Thewlis’s portrayal of Verlaine captured the complexities of a tormented artist entangled in a passionate and destructive love affair, showcasing his ability to inhabit characters mired in emotional turmoil with haunting authenticity.

Thewlis’s performance in Total Eclipse demonstrated his adeptness at portraying the tumultuous inner lives of historical figures, infusing his depiction of Verlaine with a haunting blend of passion, despair, and artistic fervor. His ability to navigate the intricate dynamics of love, art, and self-destruction added a compelling layer of depth to the film, solidifying his reputation as an actor capable of breathing life into complex historical narratives.


In the fantasy adventure film Dragonheart, David Thewlis lent his voice to the majestic dragon, Draco, infusing the mythical creature with a blend of wisdom, wit, and gravitas. Through his vocal performance, Thewlis imbued Draco with a captivating presence, bringing the mythical creature to life with a rich tapestry of emotions and complexities. His portrayal added a layer of depth and humanity to the character, elevating Draco beyond a mere fantastical entity and into a multidimensional being with a profound impact on the story.

Thewlis’s involvement in Dragonheart showcased his versatility as an actor, allowing him to explore the nuances of character expression through voice work. His ability to imbue Draco with a sense of wisdom and vulnerability resonated with audiences, further expanding the breadth of his creative contributions across different genres and storytelling mediums.

Enola Holmes 2

Joining the ensemble cast of Enola Holmes 2, David Thewlis brought his talent to the realm of mystery and adventure, adding a layer of intrigue and complexity to the narrative. His portrayal in the film contributed to the rich tapestry of characters, infusing the story with a sense of gravitas and depth through his compelling performance. Thewlis’s involvement in Enola Holmes 2 showcased his ability to seamlessly integrate into dynamic ensemble casts while leaving a lasting impression with his nuanced portrayal.

Thewlis’s role in Enola Holmes 2 exemplified his capacity to breathe life into multifaceted characters within the context of a thrilling and immersive narrative, further solidifying his position as an actor capable of enriching diverse storytelling landscapes with his captivating presence.

Seven Years in Tibet

In the epic historical drama Seven Years in Tibet, David Thewlis took on the role of Peter Aufschnaiter, a complex and enigmatic character embroiled in a journey of self-discovery and cultural awakening. Thewlis’s portrayal captured the inner turmoil and transformation of Aufschnaiter with a poignant blend of introspection and resilience, navigating the sweeping landscapes of the narrative with a compelling sense of emotional depth and growth.

Thewlis’s performance in Seven Years in Tibet underscored his ability to inhabit characters on a transformative odyssey, infusing his portrayal of Aufschnaiter with a stirring portrayal of personal evolution amidst the backdrop of historical upheaval. His ability to convey the intricacies of Aufschnaiter’s journey with authenticity and empathy added a poignant layer to the film, resonating with audiences on a profound and emotive level.

Kingdom of Heaven

In the grand historical epic Kingdom of Heaven, David Thewlis portrayed the character of Hospitaller, a steadfast and enigmatic figure embroiled in the tumultuous events of the Crusades. Thewlis’s portrayal of Hospitaller exuded a sense of quiet strength and unwavering conviction, adding a compelling presence to the sweeping canvas of the film. His ability to embody the complexities of his character within the backdrop of historical turmoil showcased his capacity to infuse depth and integrity into the narratives of epic proportions.

Thewlis’s involvement in Kingdom of Heaven demonstrated his adeptness at navigating the intricate landscapes of historical epics, bringing a sense of humanity and gravitas to the grandeur of the storytelling. His portrayal of Hospitaller added a layer of emotional resonance to the film, further enriching the tapestry of characters within the sprawling narrative.

An Inspector Calls

In the television adaptation of J.B. Priestley’s classic play An Inspector Calls, David Thewlis delivered a captivating performance in the role of the enigmatic Inspector Goole. His portrayal of Inspector Goole captured the essence of the character’s enigmatic nature, infusing the role with a sense of mystery and gravitas that propelled the narrative forward with compelling intrigue. Thewlis’s ability to embody the enigmatic nature of Inspector Goole added a layer of depth and complexity to the story, heightening the tension and dramatic resonance of the classic tale.

Thewlis’s involvement in An Inspector Calls showcased his versatility as an actor, seamlessly transitioning between the realms of film and television while bringing a sense of enigmatic allure to his portrayal. His performance added a captivating dimension to the television adaptation, further solidifying his reputation as a multifaceted talent with an innate ability to captivate audiences across different mediums.

I’m Thinking of Ending Things

In the enigmatic and thought-provoking film I’m Thinking of Ending Things, David Thewlis portrayed the character of Jake, infusing the role with a haunting blend of introspection and emotional complexity. His portrayal captured the enigmatic essence of Jake, navigating the intricate dynamics of the character’s psyche with a sense of haunting authenticity and ambiguity. Thewlis’s ability to embody the enigmatic nature of Jake added a layer of depth and emotional resonance to the film, contributing to the haunting atmosphere of the narrative.

Thewlis’s involvement in I’m Thinking of Ending Things showcased his aptitude for delving into enigmatic and psychologically charged narratives, bringing a sense of haunting introspection to his portrayal. His performance added a captivating layer of emotional depth to the film, further solidifying his reputation as an actor capable of immersing himself in the complexities of enigmatic storytelling.


In the gripping and evocative television series Landscapers, David Thewlis delivered a compelling performance that delved into the complexities of a true crime narrative. His portrayal captured the enigmatic essence of the character, navigating the intricate dynamics of the story with a sense of haunting authenticity and emotional depth. Thewlis’s ability to embody the complexities of his character added a layer of depth and gravitas to the series, contributing to the compelling and immersive nature of the storytelling.

Thewlis’s involvement in Landscapers showcased his capacity to immerse himself in the intricacies of true crime narratives, bringing a sense of haunting authenticity to his portrayal. His performance added a captivating layer of emotional depth to the series, further solidifying his reputation as an actor capable of navigating the complexities of enigmatic storytelling with compelling nuance.

The Sandman (TV Series)

Joining the highly anticipated adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s iconic graphic novel series, The Sandman, David Thewlis brought his talent to the realm of fantasy and mythology. His involvement in the series added a layer of intrigue and gravitas to the narrative, infusing the story with a sense of enigmatic allure and complexity through his compelling performance. Thewlis’s role in The Sandman exemplified his capacity to breathe life into multifaceted characters within the context of rich and immersive storytelling, further solidifying his position as an actor capable of enriching diverse narrative landscapes with his captivating presence.

Thewlis’s portrayal in The Sandman showcased his ability to seamlessly integrate into the enchanting and otherworldly realms of fantasy, bringing a sense of enigmatic allure and depth to his character. His involvement in the highly anticipated series marked another milestone in his career, underscoring his ability to captivate audiences across the vast spectrum of storytelling genres.

Wonder Woman 2017

In the thrilling superhero film Wonder Woman, David Thewlis took on the role of Sir Patrick Morgan, a character enshrouded in enigmatic complexities and moral ambiguity. His portrayal added a layer of intrigue and depth to the narrative, infusing the story with a sense of enigmatic allure and emotional resonance. Thewlis’s ability to embody the enigmatic nature of Sir Patrick Morgan contributed to the compelling dynamics of the film, adding a layer of depth to the storytelling.

Thewlis’s involvement in Wonder Woman showcased his versatility as an actor, seamlessly transitioning into the realm of superhero epics while bringing a sense of enigmatic gravitas to his portrayal. His performance added a captivating layer of emotional depth to the film, further solidifying his reputation as an actor capable of navigating the complexities of enigmatic storytelling with compelling nuance.

Legend 2015

In the riveting crime thriller Legend, David Thewlis delivered a captivating performance that added a layer of intrigue and depth to the narrative. His portrayal captured the enigmatic essence of the character, infusing the story with a sense of emotional resonance and compelling allure. Thewlis’s ability to embody the complexities of his character added a layer of depth and gravitas to the film, contributing to the immersive and evocative nature of the storytelling.

Thewlis’s involvement in Legend underscored his capacity to immerse himself in the intricacies of crime narratives, bringing a sense of haunting authenticity to his portrayal. His performance added a captivating layer of emotional depth to the film, further solidifying his reputation as an actor capable of navigating the complexities of enigmatic storytelling with compelling nuance.

Basic Instinct 2

In the seductive and enigmatic thriller Basic Instinct 2, David Thewlis took on the role of Roy Washburn, a character enmeshed in the web of intrigue and psychological complexity. His portrayal added a layer of depth and enigmatic allure to the narrative, infusing the story with a sense of haunting authenticity and emotional resonance. Thewlis’s ability to embody Roy Washburn contributed to the compelling dynamics of the film, adding a layer of depth to the storytelling.

Thewlis’s involvement in Basic Instinct 2 showcased his adeptness at delving into psychologically charged narratives, bringing a sense of enigmatic allure and gravitas to his portrayal. His performance added a captivating layer of emotional depth to the film, further solidifying his reputation as an actor capable of navigating the complexities of enigmatic storytelling with compelling nuance.


As a fan of David Thewlis, I have always admired his versatility as an actor. One of his standout performances that truly showcases his talent is in the movie “Anomalisa.” Directed by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, this stop-motion animated film delves into the complexities of human relationships and the struggles of finding genuine connections in a world filled with monotony. Thewlis voices the protagonist, Michael Stone, a customer service expert who grapples with his own sense of alienation and detachment. His portrayal of Michael is hauntingly real, capturing the character’s inner turmoil and existential crisis with depth and authenticity.

Thewlis’s vocal performance in “Anomalisa” is nothing short of remarkable. He infuses Michael with a sense of vulnerability and melancholy that resonates with the audience on a profound level. Through his nuanced delivery, Thewlis brings out the intricacies of Michael’s emotional journey, allowing viewers to empathize with the character’s internal struggles. His ability to convey a wide range of emotions through voice alone is a testament to his skill as an actor. Whether it’s the subtle nuances of uncertainty or the raw intensity of despair, Thewlis’s portrayal of Michael in “Anomalisa” is a masterclass in voice acting.

“Anomalisa” stands as a testament to David Thewlis’s ability to immerse himself in a character, even in an animated format. His performance in this thought-provoking film is a testament to his dedication to his craft and his willingness to explore complex and challenging roles. Through his portrayal of Michael, Thewlis adds a layer of depth and humanity to the character, elevating the film to a profound and emotionally resonant experience. For fans of David Thewlis and aficionados of compelling storytelling, “Anomalisa” is a must-watch that showcases the actor’s exceptional talent.

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